luxury lifestyle

Put your home in a trust before it's too late

If you don't put your home in a Trust, and you die, the home goes to Probate... in other words the state takes over your home instead of your family.
You don't want that, right?
A trust will cost you about $900 to set up, but will save your family thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars by avoiding the lawyers they would have to get when dealing with a probate.


The wrong square footage on your tax records could get you less money for your home

When a buyer is considering putting an offer in on your home, the buyers agent will first check your home's public tax records.
If they see the square footage on the tax records show your home is 2000 sq ft, but you know for a fact that its 2500 sq ft, this creates a problem.
They will believe the tax records over you.
Therefore, they offer they submit will be based off of 2000 sq ft. And that means less money for you.
Lets avoid that!
Get your records changed before you even put it on the market.
I can set you up with an assessor who will come and fix your tax records... for free... just ask!


Send a notice to perform to get your home buyers attention

If your home buyer is not releasing one of their contingencies, send them a notice to perform.
The notice says that if they don't release their contingency then you will be forced to cancel escrow and find another buyer for the home.
That will get their attention!


Keep your home utilities on during escrow

Keep your utilities on until all of your home buyers contingencies are removed.

1% of real estate transactions are short sales

Back in 2012 almost every sale was a bank owned sale or a short sale.
Both are now almost completely gone.


Get your condo complex FHA approved immediately

Show up at you condo board meetings and demand to get you condo complex FHA approved immediately.

That way when you sell your condo, you will be able to accept offers from FHA buyers.

Opening up your condo to all buyers means top dollar for you!

I can point you in the right direction as to which FHA approval companies you should be using.


Your home listing should say "0 DOM" when it first hits the market

"DOM" stands for "Days On Market".
Agents put in the incorrect dates all the time.
Putting in the wrong date can cause your listing to appear like it's been on the market a long time.
When you are selling, you want to avoid that at all costs.
If you are a brand new listing, you want it to say "0 DOM".


This is how to handle multiple offers on your home

The best way to handle multiple offers is to ask the buyers for their best and final offer.
That way when your review your offers you know where everyone stands and don't have to wonder if you are leaving any money on the table.
See the full answer on The #AskDanielLosAngeles Show -

The buyer usually pays for the home appraisal

The buyer needs the appraisal to get their loan, therefore, the buyer usually pays.

The appraisal report will cost the buyer somewhere between $350-$450. That is part of the closing costs that the buyer pays.


Don't be known around town as the "rookie home buyer"

Don't be known around town as the "rookie home buyer".
Get your pre-approval letter now BEFORE you start shopping for a home.
You will save yourself a lot of frustration and time.

Put your home on the market now... before everyone else tries to sell their home.

Put your home on the market now... before everyone else tries to sell their home.

Your home sold in 72 hours or we're fired.

Text me for more info. 818-445-7953