Avoid closing on a Monday

You usually don't close escrow the same day your lender funds your mortgage loan.

Normally the lender funds the loan, then you close escrow the next day.

Also, keep in mind you can't close escrow over the weekend, the county recorder office is closed.

Therefore, if you are scheduled to close escrow on a Monday, the lender must fund the loan the Friday before.

This should be avoided if possible. Why?

Because once the loan is funded, you start to pay interest on that loan.

It's not the best idea to pay interest on a home you technically do not own yet (it's not your home until you close escrow on Monday).

The best thing to do would be to wait and have the lender fund the loan on Monday, then close escrow on Tuesday.

That way you are not wasting money and putting more money into your lender's pockets.