Cancel your real estate agents contract to avoid paying double commission.

If you fire your real estate agent and hire another one right away, you may have to pay double commission when your new agent sells your home.
Why? Because you may still be under contract with your original agent, and you are still on the hook to pay them a commission.
Here is what you have to do in order to break free from your original agent and avoid paying double commission.
1) Ask your original agent to put in writing that the contract you two have has been terminated. There is a one page form provided by the California Association of Realtors that can be used.
2) Wait until the listing contract expires. The listing agreement says when the contract ends. Look for that date and wait until that time passes. Then you are free and clear to hire another agent after that date.
If you do not do either one of these, you are still under contract with your original agent. That means when your new agent sells your home, you have to pay the new agent her commission, and the original agent his commission.
