home owners

Check for liens on your home by getting a preliminary title report

Worried you may have some suspicious liens against your property?
Ask a title company to get you a preliminary title report.
Study the report and look for any weird liens that might pop up.
Get these items cleared before putting your home on the market. If you don't, there will be major delays during escrow.


I have an upcoming open house, what should I do with all my clutter?

Clutter kills deals. Remember that when you are preparing your home for sale.

To have a clean home for your open house, fill your car up with all of your clutter

Clutter in your home will have buyers thinking that the home has no storage areas and is ultimately to small for them.
Let's avoid that!
Just before your open house, take all of your junk that is laying around your house and throw it in your car.
Yes, your car will be a disaster for a few hours... but who cares, your trying to sell the most expensive thing you own, your house!
Oh... and this is free to do...


This is why this Van Nuys home never sold

Does this picture make you fall in love with the house?

Personally, it served as a good reminder for me to take out my trash.

Keep your utilities on until all of your home buyers contingencies are removed

The buyers general inspector needs all the utilities on in order to do a full inspection.
If anything is off, the inspector will have to come back out to the property at a later date.
This is a waste of time for everyone!


Episode 5 of The #AskDanielLosAngeles Show

In this episode of The #AskDanielLosAngeles Show, I answer the following questions:

-In order to make my move to Texas possible, I need to get at least $800,000 for my home. All the agents I talked to said my home is only worth $750,000. What should I do?

-I have a un-permitted guest house in my backyard. Can I still sell my property with that structure?

-How can a buyer back out of a real estate deal once we are in escrow?

-We moved everything out of our house and are finally ready to sell. Can we turn off all of the utilities?

Thank you for your attention.

Prepare your home now for the Spring Selling Season

Call me NOW so we can start to prepare for the spring selling season.
(818) 445-7953 or Daniel@ContempoRealtors.com

Visualize in your mind what you want to happen, then tell your Realtor the plan so that it can happen

Get a plan in place as soon as you decide that you want to sell your home.
Ask yourself where am I going to move to once I get an offer on my home?
Do I have enough money to make that move happen?
When do I need to be in my new location by?
These questions should help to get the ball rolling.


Each picture caption for your home should give a background story

Use every opportunity you have to sell your home for top dollar...
this includes talking up your property in every picture caption available.

Tell me your real estate goals and I'll customize a plan to make it happen

Lets sell your property on your terms.
Tell me what you want to accomplish, and I will show you exactly how I will make it happen.
Call/text 818-445-7953

Make sure your condo complex is FHA approved BEFORE you put your condo on the market

If you want to sell for top dollar, make sure your condo complex is FHA approved BEFORE you put your condo on the market.
That way you can sell to buyers that only have 3.5% down.
More competition means more money for you.
If it's not already approved, go to your board meetings and demand that it becomes FHA approved.
It will only cost the HOA about $1,000 and it will benefit everyone in your complex.


This is why you home purchase offers are not being accepted

Are your offers not getting accepted?
There is record low inventory and the competition is massive right now.
Don't give up. There will be more homes for sale in spring.
See the full answer on The #AskDanielLosAngeles Show - Facebook.com/DanielLosAngelesShow